Plants enhance any space, whether they’re indoors or outdoors. This is especially important for businesses. The first thing customers notice about a business is its curb appeal, which is why it’s imperative to create and maintain an impressive landscape. One of the most effective ways to do so is by adding large outdoor planters near the entrance and/or the patio to complete the space. However, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to plants and which are appropriate for a business.

Commercial outdoor planters offer a low-maintenance and excellent way to beautify any landscape. In this article, we’ve gathered the top four low-maintenance outdoor plants to enhance a business’ landscape.

1. Hosta Plants

Hosta plants include several different flowers that are extremely low-maintenance and durable. In fact, you can plant hostas and leave them be for a duration of time and they will thrive and grow. Certain hosta varieties require more shade, whereas others require plenty of sunlight. The general rule of thumb is that the lighter the plant, the more sunlight it will require. Hosta plants also have an incredibly low risk of developing plant disease, especially when potted. 

2. Succulents

People love flowers and that includes plucking their beautiful petals. However, having petals picked and plucked away can ruin the overall aesthetic of your landscape. Succulents eliminate this issue by being a plant without “plucking” qualities. Succulents are extremely durable and drought-resistant, which makes them the perfect low-maintenance plants for an outdoor landscape. For a more ornate look, you can even combine several succulent plants into one planter. From cacti to burro’s tail, there is a variety of succulent types to choose from that are perfect for your landscape.

3. Perennial Flowers

Perennial flowers are a popular plant choice due to their incredibly low upkeep expectations and year-long beautiful blooming qualities. There are a variety of perennial types in different colours, from oranges to blues and pinks and purples. Perennial plants will warm and adorn your business’ exterior perfectly to draw in customers. Pot your perennials in planters during the fall or spring to allow them to thrive all summer long.

4. Daylily

Daylilies are extremely unique flowers that thrive all year long with plenty of water. Bred by professional horticulturists, daylilies are the perfect plants for their beauty, durability and ability to last throughout the year with little upkeep. Daylilies are perfect for large fibreglass planters. All Greenville Planters come equipped with solid bottoms and draining holes to ensure the water is given to the plant and dispersed off to prevent any pooling. 

Greenville Planters carries the most impressive inventory of gorgeous indoor planters and outdoor planters. With thousands of styles, colours and sizes to choose from, you’ll find the perfect custom planters for your home or commercial property. Boost your curb appeal with impressive planters today! Check out our catalogue at!